Co-sponsored Event
Kim Center
The Kim Center for Korean Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, together with the Center for East Asian Studies, is hosting the Korea Culture and Society Workshop for Philadelphia K-12 School Teachers on April 26th, Saturday. The workshop aims to help educators incorporate content on Korea into their curriculum. Please help us spread the word! Act 48 hours will be offered.
When: Saturday, April 26th, 2025 (9:15am-4:30pm)
Where: James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania
This workshop includes the following sessions:
· Coffee and Introductions
· Korean Music (Laurie Lee, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania)
· Korean Arts (Hyunsoo Woo, Pappas-Sarbanes Director of Collections, Philadelphia Museum of Art)
· Korean Film/TV/Media (Yoonbin Cho, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania)
· Calligraphy workshop (Jamie Moon, Studio MZWORK Art/Design Educator)
· Discussion
We will be covering topics such as:
· How historical influences shape modern creativity
· Korea's artistic heritage and contemporary Korean art
· Contemporary Korean music and how to talk about Korean music
· Global circulation of Korean screen culture
· Practical strategies to integrate content on Korea into your curriculum
· An introduction to calligraphy and hands-on experience of calligraphy on paper materials
The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Coffee, lunches and materials will be provided. Act 48 hours available. Register at the link below by April 10th, 2025.
Contact Emily Noh at nohem@sas.upenn.edu for any questions or further information.
Supported by the the Core University Program for Korean Studies of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service at the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2023-OLU-2250002)