Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 6:15pm to 7:30pm

Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

Associate Scholar at Foreign Policy Research Institute

Ph.D Student, University of Pennsylvania

National Liberty Museum

FPRI Event (Foreign Policy Research Institute): https://www.fpri.org/event/2017/thinking-north-south-korea/

Arguably the most closed society on earth, North Korea has developed a nuclear weapons program and now appears to be attempting the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could threaten the U.S. In this discussion, we will explore North Korean realities with a rising star at FPRI. A former journalist from Switzerland, Ben Silberstein is now a Doctoral Candidate in History at the University of Pennsylvania, where he researches the history of surveillance and social control in North Korea. A co-editor of North Korean Economy Watch, he publishes regularly on Korean affairs in IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review and The Diplomat. He was a special advisor to the Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation.